Electric Woodworking Branding Iron

woodworking branding iron
iron will be your permanent stamp of approval of your well made product and will identify it as your creation for years, even
centuries. It's also an excellent promotional mark, like a sign of approval.
I think of it this way. If I had to choose between two identical products, the only difference being that one was signed, I know which one I would pick.
The reason I use the electric iron is because the heat is even throughout the brand and I'm not guessing whether the iron is hot enough or too hot.
Excessive heat will damage, might even melt the tool.
The procedure is to clamp an 'L' shaped piece of plywood or wood to the item to be branded, which acts as a guide for the tool to ensure the exact same position of each burn.
Make the impression in stages of burn, a little at a time, otherwise the surrounding edges will become scorched and you will end up with a blurred brand.
Each successive burn will deepen and darken the impression, but be mindful that softwoods burn quicker than hardwoods and one lightly pressured burn might just be perfect. Experiment with wood scraps first.
What Will Be Your Style ?
All branding iron prices below have delivery charges, which vary
depending on the destination. Manufacturers require a photo of the design for the tool to be made and will usually complete the order within 6 weeks.
Fancy having your own signature on your woodworking branding iron,
then Rockler are your destination. your personalised brand will cost $ 190, cheaper by $ 50 than from Woodcraft.
Rockler Woodworking Store will make an arc design with up to 20 characters of your name or company for $ 100.
Should you be thinking of a simpler engraving then your initials may be your choice. 3 letters for $ 96, rising to $ 105 for 12.
In an oval outline two lines of text will set you back $ 110, whilst three lines are $ 129.
On the other hand, if you want something a little fancier then a scroll design might be your favourite at $ 130.
Have a company and would like to publicise your brand, making the insignia will cost $ 259. If you have two different logos the branding head price is $ 190. The same tool can be used for both.
Typically you can design your brand with up to three lines. Perhaps a 'made by' 'name' and 'date'. The heads are 1" x 2-3/4", 1-1/2" x 2", 1-3/4" x 1-3/4"
If yours is a business woodworking branding iron and you produce many items, you should consider a Drill Press with branding insignias, which will cost between $ 350 - 425. Graphic at the top of the page.
Finally, be careful, these irons heat to 995 degrees and although the heat is in the head the heat will rise. Gloves are a necessity.
Business Branding
Although I can't say that SBI will be an accessory to the branding irons above mentioned, I have to say that it will accompany it and project, enhance and build your business.
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Some people say that the best things in life are free.
I disagree.
But I have to warn you.
Solo Build It has cost me almost a dollar a day to build this Woodworking Branding Iron page and the 100 other pages on this website.
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